જો $a * b=10$ અને $a,b$ એ $Q^{+}$ માં આવેલ હોય તો $0.01$ નું વ્યસ્ત મેળવો 

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Let $e$ be the identity element for $*$.

$\therefore a * e=a=e * a$

$\therefore a e=a \Rightarrow e=\frac{1}{10}$

Let $a^{\prime}$ be the inverse of $0.01 .$

$\therefore 0.01 * a^{\prime}=e$

$\therefore 10 \times \frac{1}{100} \times a^{\prime}=\frac{1}{10}$

$\Rightarrow a^{\prime}=1$

$\therefore$ Inverse of 0.01 is $1 .$

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  • [JEE MAIN 2020]