If $\log _{3} 2, \log _{3}\left(2^{x}-5\right), \log _{3}\left(2^{x}-\frac{7}{2}\right)$ are in an arithmetic progression, then the value of $x$ is equal to $.....$
What is the sum of all two digit numbers which give a remainder of $4$ when divided by $6$ ?
The sum of the first $20$ terms common between the series $3 +7 + 1 1 + 15+ ... ......$ and $1 +6+ 11 + 16+ ......$, is
If ${a_1},\;{a_2},\,{a_3},......{a_{24}}$ are in arithmetic progression and ${a_1} + {a_5} + {a_{10}} + {a_{15}} + {a_{20}} + {a_{24}} = 225$, then ${a_1} + {a_2} + {a_3} + ........ + {a_{23}} + {a_{24}} = $
The sum of all the elements in the set $\{\mathrm{n} \in\{1,2, \ldots \ldots ., 100\} \mid$ $H.C.F.$ of $n$ and $2040$ is $1\,\}$ is equal to $.....$
The number of terms common between the two series $2 + 5 + 8 +.....$ upto $50$ terms and the series $3 + 5 + 7 + 9.....$ upto $60$ terms, is