If $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}a&b&0\\0&a&b\\b&0&a\end{array}\,} \right| = 0$, then
$a $ is one of the cube roots of unity
$b$ is one of the cube roots of unity
$\left( {\frac{a}{b}} \right)$is one of the cube roots of unity
$\left( {\frac{a}{b}} \right)$is one of the cube roots of $ -1$
If $n \ne 3k$ and 1, $\omega ,{\omega ^2}$ are the cube roots of unity, then $\Delta = \left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}1&{{\omega ^n}}&{{\omega ^{2n}}}\\{{\omega ^{2n}}}&1&{{\omega ^n}}\\{{\omega ^n}}&{{\omega ^{2n}}}&1\end{array}\,} \right|$ has the value
Let $[\lambda]$ be the greatest integer less than or equal to $\lambda$. The set of all values of $\lambda$ for which the system of linear equations $x+y+z=4,3 x+2 y+5 z=3$ $9 x+4 y+(28+[\lambda]) z=[\lambda]$ has a solution is:
Find equation of line joining $(1,2)$ and $(3,6)$ using determinates
If the system of linear equations $x + 2ay + az = 0$ $x + 3by + bz = 0$ $x + 4cy + cz = 0$ has a non-zero solution, then $a, b, c$
The value of $x,$ if $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{ - x}&1&0\\1&{ - x}&1\\0&1&{ - x}\end{array}\,} \right| = 0 $ is equal to