If ${\tan ^2}\theta = 2{\tan ^2}\phi + 1,$ then $\cos 2\theta + {\sin ^2}\phi $ equals
None of these
If $\sin A = n\sin B,$ then $\frac{{n - 1}}{{n + 1}}\tan \,\frac{{A + B}}{2} = $
If $a{\sin ^2}x + b{\cos ^2}x = c,\,\,$$b\,{\sin ^2}y + a\,{\cos ^2}y = d$ and $a\,\tan x = b\,\tan y,$ then $\frac{{{a^2}}}{{{b^2}}}$ is equal to
For any $\theta \, \in \,\left( {\frac{\pi }{4},\frac{\pi }{2}} \right)$, the expression $3\,{\left( {\sin \,\theta - \cos \,\theta } \right)^4} + 6{\left( {\sin \,\theta + \cos \,\theta } \right)^2} + 4\,{\sin ^6}\,\theta $ equals
If $A + B + C = \frac{\pi }{2}$ ,then value of $tanA\,\, tanB + tanB\,\, tanC + tanC\,\, tanA$ is
$\sqrt 2 + \sqrt 3 + \sqrt 4 + \sqrt 6 $ is equal to