If $\sin \theta = \frac{1}{2}\left( {\sqrt {\frac{x}{y}\,} + \,\sqrt {\frac{y}{x}} } \right)\,,\,\left( {x,y \in R\, - \{ 0\} } \right)$. Then
$ x < y $
$x+y$ = $1\ \forall\ x,y \in R$
If $tan\ 80^o = a$ and $tan47^o = b$, then $tan37^o$ is equal to -
The expression,$\frac{{\tan \,\left( {{\textstyle{{3\,\pi } \over 2}}\,\, - \,\,\alpha } \right)\,\,\,\cos \,\left( {{\textstyle{{3\,\pi } \over 2}}\,\, - \,\,\alpha } \right)}}{{\cos \,(2\,\pi \,\, - \,\alpha )}}$ $+ cos \left( {\alpha \,\, - \,\,\frac{\pi }{2}} \right) \,sin (\pi -\alpha ) + cos (\pi +\alpha ) sin \,\left( {\alpha \,\, - \,\,\frac{\pi }{2}} \right)$ when simplified reduces to :
If $a{\sin ^2}x + b{\cos ^2}x = c,\,\,$$b\,{\sin ^2}y + a\,{\cos ^2}y = d$ and $a\,\tan x = b\,\tan y,$ then $\frac{{{a^2}}}{{{b^2}}}$ is equal to
The value of $\cos 15^\circ - \sin 15^\circ $ is equal to
The value of $\sum_{r-1}^{18} cos^2(5r)^o,$ where $x^o $ denotes the $x$ degree, is equals to