If $Arg(z)$ denotes principal argument of a complex number $z$, then the value of expression $Arg\left( { - i{e^{i\frac{\pi }{9}}}.{z^2}} \right) + 2Arg\left( {2i{e^{-i\frac{\pi }{{18}}}}.\overline z } \right)$ is
$\frac{\pi }{2}$
$Arg$ $z$
If for $z=\alpha+i \beta,|z+2|=z+4(1+i)$, then $\alpha+\beta$ and $\alpha \beta$ are the roots of the equation
Let $z_1, z_2 \in C$ such that $| z_1 + z_2 |= \sqrt 3$ and $|z_1| = |z_2| = 1,$ then the value of $|z_1 - z_2|$ is
If $|{z_1}| = |{z_2}| = .......... = |{z_n}| = 1,$ then the value of $|{z_1} + {z_2} + {z_3} + ............. + {z_n}|$=
Let $S=\left\{Z \in C: \bar{z}=i\left(z^2+\operatorname{Re}(\bar{z})\right)\right\}$. Then $\sum_{z \in S}|z|^2$ is equal to
If $\alpha$ denotes the number of solutions of $|1-i|^x=2^x$ and $\beta=\left(\frac{|z|}{\arg (z)}\right)$, where $z=\frac{\pi}{4}(1+i)^4\left(\frac{1-\sqrt{\pi i}}{\sqrt{\pi}+i}+\frac{\sqrt{\pi}-i}{1+\sqrt{\pi} \mathrm{i}}\right), i=\sqrt{-1}$, then the distance of the point $(\alpha, \beta)$ from the line $4 x-3 y=7$ is