If the Boolean expression $( p \wedge q ) \circledast( p \otimes q )$ is a tautology, then $\circledast$ and $\otimes$ are respectively given by
$\rightarrow, \rightarrow$
$\wedge, \vee$
$\vee, \rightarrow$
$\wedge, \rightarrow$
For any two statements $p$ and $q,$ the negation of the expression $p \vee ( \sim p\, \wedge \,q)$ is
The converse of the statement $((\sim p) \wedge q) \Rightarrow r$ is
Statement $-1$ : $ \sim \left( {p \leftrightarrow \, \sim q} \right)$ is equivalent to $p \leftrightarrow q$
Statement $-2$ : $ \sim \left( {p \leftrightarrow \, \sim q} \right)$ is a tautology.
Contrapositive of the statement 'If two numbers are not equal, then their squares are not equal', is
The negation of $ \sim s \vee \left( { \sim r \wedge s} \right)$ is equivalent to