यदि समुच्चय $A$ में $3$ अवयव हैं तथा समुच्चय $B =\{3,4,5\},$ तो $( A \times B )$ में अवयवों की संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए।

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It is given that set $A$ has $3$ elements and the elements of set $B$ are $3,4,$ and $5.$

$\Rightarrow$ Number of elements in set $B=3$

Number of elements in $(A \times B)$

$ = {\rm{ (}}$ Number of elements in $A) \times {\rm{ (}}$ Number of elements in $B)$

$=3 \times 3=9$

Thus, the number of elements in $(A \times B)$ in $9$

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