$XY$ સમતલની બધી જ રેખાઓનો ગણ $L$ લો અને $L$ પર સંબંધ $R = \{ \left( {{L_1},{L_2}} \right):$ રેખા ${L_1}$ એ રેખા ${{L_2}}$, ને સમાંતર છે; વડે વ્યાખ્યાયિત છે. સાબિત કરો કે $R$ સામ્ય સંબંધ છે. જે રેખાઓ $y=2 x+4$ સાથે સંબંધ $R$ દ્વારા સંબંધિત હોય તેવી તમામ રેખાઓનો ગણ શોધો. નોંધ : સ્વીકારી લો કે, પ્રત્યેક રેખા પોતાને સમાંતર છે.  

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$R =\{\left( L _{1}, L _{2}\right):$ L1 is parallel to $L _{2}\}$

$R$ is reflexive as any line $L_1$ is parallel to itself i.e., $ (L_{1},\, L _{1})\, \in R$

Now, let $\left( L _{1}, \,L _{2}\right) \in R$

$\Rightarrow L _{1}$ is parallel to $L _{2}\, \Rightarrow \,L _{2}$ is parallel to $L _{1}$.

$\Rightarrow \left( L _{2}, \,L _{1}\right) \in R$

$\therefore \,R$ is symmetric.

Now, let $\left( L _{1}, \,L _{2}\right),\,\left( L _{2}, \,L _{3}\right) \in R$

$\Rightarrow L _{1}$ is parallel to $L_2$. Also, $L_2$ is parallel to $L_3$.

$\Rightarrow L _{1}$ is parallel to $L _{3}$

$\therefore R$ is transitive.

Hence, $R$ is an equivalence relation.

The set of all lines related to the line $y=2 x+4$ is the set of all lines that are parallel to the line $y=$ $2 x+4$

Slope of line $y=2 x+4$ is $m=2$

It is known that parallel lines have the same slopes.

The line parallel to the given line is of the form $y=2 x+c,$ where $c \in R$

Hence, the set of all lines related to the given line is given by $y=2 x+c,$ where $c \in R$

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  • [JEE MAIN 2022]

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