Let $p$ and $p+2$ be prime numbers and let $\Delta=\left|\begin{array}{ccc}p ! & (p+1) ! & (p+2) ! \\ (p+1) ! & (p+2) ! & (p+3) ! \\ (p+2) ! & (p+3) ! & (p+4) !\end{array}\right|$ Then the sum of the maximum values of $\alpha$ and $\beta$, such that $p ^{\alpha}$ and $( p +2)^{\beta}$ divide $\Delta$, is $........$
In a $\Delta ABC,$ if $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}1&a&b\\1&c&a\\1&b&c\end{array}\,} \right| = 0$, then ${\sin ^2}A + {\sin ^2}B + {\sin ^2}C = $
If $a,b,c$ are respectively the ${p^{th}},{q^{th}}{r^{th}}$terms of an $A.P.,$ the $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}a&p&1\\b&q&1\\c&r&1\end{array}\,} \right| = $
If $A = \left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}1&1&1\\a&b&c\\{{a^3}}&{{b^3}}&{{c^3}}\end{array}\,} \right|,B = \left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}1&1&1\\{{a^2}}&{{b^2}}&{{c^2}}\\{{a^3}}&{{b^3}}&{{c^3}}\end{array}\,} \right|,C = \left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}a&b&c\\{{a^2}}&{{b^2}}&{{c^2}}\\{{a^3}}&{{b^3}}&{{c^3}}\end{array}\,} \right|,$ then which relation is correct
If $a\, -\, 2b + c = 1$ , then value of $\left| {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
{x + 1}&{x + 2}&{x + a} \\
{x + 2}&{x + 3}&{x + b} \\
{x + 3}&{x + 4}&{x + c}
\end{array}} \right|$ is
The number of $\theta \in(0,4 \pi)$ for which the system of linear equations
$3(\sin 3 \theta) x-y+z=2$, $3(\cos 2 \theta) x+4 y+3 z=3$, $6 x+7 y+7 z=9$ has no solution is.