Milk is converted into curd $(yoghurt)$ by biological activity of
Algal cells
Fungal cells
Lactobacillus cells
Which of the bacterium cause the fermentation of milk and other plant products
$A$ : Cheese is one of the oldest food items in which microbes are used.
$R$ : Different varieties of cheese are known by characteristic texture, flavour and taste.
Which role is played by Lactobacillus in our stomach?
Study the following flow chart that shows curd formation from milk and select the correct option for $A$ and $B$
Milk is incubated with curd
LAB shows growth in milk
Production of .....$A$.....
Coagulation and digestion of milk protein
Improved nutritional quality by increased ....$B$....
During its formation, bread becomes porous due to release of Carbon dioxide by the action of