The equation $x^2-4 x+[x]+3=x[x]$, where $[x]$ denotes the greatest integer function, has:
exactly two solutions in $(-\infty, \infty)$
no solution
a unique solution in $(-\infty, 1)$
a unique solution in $(-\infty, \infty)$
If $\alpha ,\beta $are the roots of ${x^2} - ax + b = 0$ and if ${\alpha ^n} + {\beta ^n} = {V_n}$, then
If $3$ distinct real number $a$,$b$,$c$ satisfy $a^2(a + p) = b^2 (b + p) = c^2 (c + p)$ where $p \in R$, then value of $bc + ca + ab$ is
In the equation ${x^3} + 3Hx + G = 0$, if $G$ and $H$ are real and ${G^2} + 4{H^3} > 0,$ then the roots are
Solution of the equation $\sqrt {x + 3 - 4\sqrt {x - 1} } + \sqrt {x + 8 - 6\sqrt {x - 1} } = 1$ is
Let $p, q$ be integers and let $\alpha, \beta$ be the roots of the equation, $x^2-x-1=0$, where $\alpha \neq \beta$. For $n=0,1,2, \ldots$, let $a_n=$ $p \alpha^n+q \beta^n$.
$FACT$ : If $a$ and $b$ are rational numbers and $a+b \sqrt{5}=0$, then $a=0=b$.
($1$) $a_{12}=$
$[A]$ $a_{11}-a_{10}$ $[B]$ $a_{11}+a_{10}$ $[C]$ $2 a_{11}+a_{10}$ $[D]$ $a_{11}+2 a_{10}$
($2$) If $a_4=28$, then $p+2 q=$
$[A] 21$ $[B] 14$ $[C] 7$ $[D] 12$
answer the quetion ($1$) and ($2$)