The number of integers $n$ for which $3 x^3-25 x+n=0$ has three real roots is
If $a \in R$ and the equation $ - 3{\left( {x - \left[ x \right]} \right)^2} + 2\left( {x - \left[ x \right]} \right) + {a^2} = 0$ (where $[x]$ denotes the greatest integer $\leq\,x$)has no integral solution ,then all possible values of $a$ lie in the interval
If $(x + 1)$ is a factor of ${x^4} - (p - 3){x^3} - (3p - 5){x^2}$ $ + (2p - 7)x + 6$, then $p = $
If the roots of the equation $8{x^3} - 14{x^2} + 7x - 1 = 0$ are in $G.P.$, then the roots are
The number of solution$(s)$ of the equation $2^x = x^2$ is
lf $2 + 3i$ is one of the roots of the equation $2x^3 -9x^2 + kx- 13 = 0,$ $k \in R,$ then the real root of this equation