The ratio of radii of nuclei $_{13}A{l^{27}}$ and $_{52}{X^A}$ is $3 : 5$. The number of neutrons in the nuclei of $X$ will be
In the nuclear reaction $_{92}{U^{238}}{ \to _z}T{h^A}{ + _2}H{e^4}$, the values of $A$ and $Z$ are
In nuclear reactions, we have the conservation of
Read the following statements:
$(A)$ Volume of the nucleus is directly proportional to the mass number.
$(B)$ Volume of the nucleus is independent of mass number.
$(C)$ Density of the nucleus is directly proportional to the mass number.
$(D)$ Density of the nucleus is directly proportional to the cube root of the mass number.
$(E)$ Density of the nucleus is independent of the mass number.
Choose the correct option from the following options.
Choose the correct statement
Specify the mass of proton in kilogram and in the $'u'$ unit.