The Statement that is $TRUE$ among the following is
The contrapositive of $3x + 2 = 8 \Rightarrow x = 2$ is $x\ne 2$ $\Rightarrow 3x + 2\ne 8.$
The converse of $tan\,x\,=0\,\Rightarrow x = 0$ is $x\ne 0\,\Rightarrow tan\,x = 0.$
$p \Rightarrow q$ is equivalent to $p\, \vee \, \sim \,q.$
$p \vee q$ and $p\, \wedge \,q$ have the same truth table.
$\left(p^{\wedge} r\right) \Leftrightarrow\left(p^{\wedge}(\sim q)\right)$ is equivalent to $(\sim p)$ when $r$ is.
Which of the following is a tautology?
If $P$ and $Q$ are two statements, then which of the following compound statement is a tautology?
The statement $p → (p \leftrightarrow q)$ is logically equivalent to :-