There are $200$ individuals with a skin disorder, $120$ had been exposed to the chemical $C _{1}, 50$ to chemical $C _{2},$ and $30$ to both the chemicals $C _{1}$ and $C _{2} .$ Find the number of individuals exposed to
Chemical $C_{2}$ but not chemical $C_{1}$
Let $U$ denote the universal set consisting of individuals suffering from the skin disorder, $A$ denote the set of individuals exposed to the chemical $C_{1}$ and $B$ denote the set of individuals exposed to the chemical $C_{2}$
Here $\quad n( U )=200, n( A )=120, n( B )=50$ and $n( A \cap B )=30$
From the Fig we have
$B=(B-A) \cup(A \cap B)$
and so, $\quad n( B )=n( B - A )+n( A \cap B )$
( Since $B - A$ and $A \cap B$ are disjoint .)
or $n(B - A) = n(B) - n(A \cap B)$
$ = 50 - 30 = 20$
Thus, the number of individuals exposed to chemical $C_{2}$ and not to chemical $C_{1}$ is $20 .$
In a certain school, $74 \%$ students like cricket, $76 \%$ students like football and $82 \%$ like tennis. Then, all the three sports are liked by at least $......\%$
A class has $175$ students. The following data shows the number of students obtaining one or more subjects. Mathematics $100$, Physics $70$, Chemistry $40$; Mathematics and Physics $30$, Mathematics and Chemistry $28$, Physics and Chemistry $23$; Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry $18$. How many students have offered Mathematics alone
In a group of $65$ people, $40$ like cricket, $10$ like both cricket and tennis. How many like tennis only and not cricket? How many like tennis?
Out of all the patients in a hospital $89\, \%$ are found to be suffering from heart ailment and $98\, \%$ are suffering from lungs infection. If $\mathrm{K}\, \%$ of them are suffering from both ailments, then $\mathrm{K}$ can not belong to the set :
In a certain town $25\%$ families own a phone and $15\%$ own a car, $65\%$ families own neither a phone nor a car. $2000$ families own both a car and a phone. Consider the following statements in this regard:
$1$. $10\%$ families own both a car and a phone
$2$. $35\%$ families own either a car or a phone
$3$. $40,000$ families live in the town
Which of the above statements are correct