If $p$ and $q$ are simple propositions, then $p \Rightarrow q$ is false when
$p$ is true and $q$ is true
$p$ is false and $q$ is true
$p$ is true and $q$ is false
Both $p$ and $q$ are false
Dual of $(x \vee y) \wedge (x \vee 1) = x \vee (x \wedge y) \vee y$ is
If $q$ is false and $p\, \wedge \,q\, \leftrightarrow \,r$ is true, then which one of the following statements is a tautology?
The logical statement $[ \sim \,( \sim \,P\, \vee \,q)\, \vee \,\left( {p\, \wedge \,r} \right)\, \wedge \,( \sim \,q\, \wedge \,r)]$ is equivalent to
Which of the following statement is true
If $p$ and $q$ are simple propositions, then $p \Leftrightarrow \sim \,q$ is true when