Which of the following is logically equivalent to $\sim(\sim p \Rightarrow q)$
$p \wedge q$
$p \wedge \sim q$
$\sim p\ \wedge q$
$\sim p\; \wedge \sim q$
Statement $\quad(P \Rightarrow Q) \wedge(R \Rightarrow Q)$ is logically equivalent to
Which of the following is an open statement
The compound statement $(\mathrm{P} \vee \mathrm{Q}) \wedge(\sim \mathrm{P}) \Rightarrow \mathrm{Q}$ is equivalent to:
$\sim p \wedge q$ is logically equivalent to
The negation of $ \sim s \vee \left( { \sim r \wedge s} \right)$ is equivalent to