If $a,b,c$ and $d $ are complex numbers, then the determinant $\Delta = \left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}2&{a + b + c + d}&{ab + cd}\\{a + b + c + d}&{2(a + b)(c + d)}&{ab(c + d) + cd(a + b)}\\{ab + cd}&{ab(c + d) + cd(a + d)}&{2abcd}\end{array}} \right|$is

  • A

    Dependent on $a, b, c$  and $ d$

  • B

    Independent of $a,b,c$and $d$

  • C

    Dependent on $a,c$and independent of $b,d$

  • D

    None of these

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